Melbourne News
July 2018

West Side Place Park Release Grass and Jacaranda Trees

Final release for Ritz-Carlton

The very last chapter of the Ritz-Carlton Precinct is now selling. The ‘Park Release’ has captured the interest of international and domestic markets, with demand for the Ritz-Carlton precinct unwavering, with record sales achieved across all four stages. Learn more about the Park Release here.

Upper West Side Construction Work In Progress

Stage 1 and 2 of The Ritz-Carlton is underway

Now with 4 cranes on site at Stage 1 & 2 of West Side Place and just about to come above the hoarding, construction is well and truly underway! There is no better way to see it in action than at the display suite or from Level 6 Upper West Side. Call me, to arrange a time to see it for yourself.

FEC Australia Wide Display Suite

Our Far East Consortium Australia Wide Display Suite is now available! Come and experience all of our exciting urban developments at the one central location at the bottom of The Fifth on Lonsdale Street, Melbourne. For further information contact us on +61 421 691 578.

Garden Party At Night

Green roof party at Upper West Side

It was great to see such a big, enthusiastic turnout at the Upper West Side launch party on the precinct’s award-winning green roof – an acre of botanical inspiration six storeys high featuring over 12,000 plants and 230 different species.

The reason for holding our party in the garden was to celebrate its win as the Australian Institute of Horticulture’s Best Urban Green Space (Australia).

The community event was brought to life by roving musicians and performers, as well as the enthusiasm of guests for what is certainly one of Australia’s most outstanding urban precincts.

The fastest selling project in Australia when it was first released in 2010, Upper West Side is a $1.2 billion, four tower development incorporating over 2,200 apartments, all fully occupied and settled, plus exciting retail and hospitality outlets in two new laneways opposite Southern Cross Station.

To learn more about the Upper Westside Precinct, please contact Jess on +61 421 961 578 or email